@mellohi I fixed your tags, it seems like you've pasted the prompt into the tag field by accident. Please add self_upload to the tags if you generated this image. Also, you'll get better colors if you add a custom .vae (looks like you're missing one, but I might be wrong).
Judging by the desaturated colors you don't have a VAE (variational autoencoder) loaded. I've had the same issue in the past too. You should download one of those and try generating with it selected - the colors look much better that way. vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned is a decent choice, but for anime style images the one from Anything-v3 or NovelAI would probably work better. If you choose either of those two latter ones you'll need to launch automatic-1111 with the --no-half-vae argument to avoid occasional completely black images.
Judging by the desaturated colors you don't have a VAE (variational autoencoder) loaded. I've had the same issue in the past too. You should download one of those and try generating with it selected - the colors look much better that way. vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned is a decent choice, but for anime style images the one from Anything-v3 or NovelAI would probably work better. If you choose either of those two latter ones you'll need to launch automatic-1111 with the --no-half-vae argument to avoid occasional completely black images.
Thank you for sharing your experience! Now I know how it works 🙂