AIBooru Beta



I was gonna make a meme comment, but I feel like being helpful. :u

Being a Builder gives you access to a few additional features regular users don't have, like using the mode menu when viewing posts (for quick faving/unfaving, and using tag scripts) and you can give other people feedback, to name two of them... and since the Gold and Platinum levels are... sort of used, I guess (but not really?) Builder is kind of the default level that people get promoted to if they're active in uploading and tagging stuff, I suppose.

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    ANJU said:

    I was gonna make a meme comment, but I feel like being helpful. :u

    Being a Builder gives you access to a few additional features regular users don't have, like using the mode menu when viewing posts (for quick faving/unfaving, and using tag scripts) and you can give other people feedback, to name two of them... and since the Gold and Platinum levels are... sort of used, I guess (but not really?) Builder is kind of the default level that people get promoted to if they're active in uploading and tagging stuff, I suppose.

    Oh I know that now. But this pic is actually an accurate representation of how I felt when the message came in. I was like, "Oh cool! I'm a builder! ....... what's a builder?"

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    @SomeCoolUsername Sorry to disappoint, but I don't really have them. I use this to generate, and none of the metadata gets saved automatically. I only fill out what I can know for sure.

    The only information that I didn't add to the metadata field that I had access to is the Guidance Scale, since I'm not sure if it's the same thing as Cfg Scale. I tend to go with either 8.5 or 9, I think this one was a 9.

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