AIBooru Beta



iodoff said:

What kind of tag selection isใ€+++this+++ใ€‘lol

Iโ€™ve learned it from someone saying that โ€œWe can use [+++tag+++] as placeholders to increase the imput amount of the tag so that its rendering degree will be boosted.While using [] will change the weight,using
square brackets in Chinese ใ€ใ€‘would be better.โ€I found it works to some extent.

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    WMGP2021 said:

    Im somewhat new to AI creation. I know the Yiffy,Zeipher models.
    Are you running several models at the same time in SD or something?
    Perhaps any Discord you could recommend to read up on it :O ?

    It's a merged model, which you can make yourself in the "Checkpoint Merger" tab in webui. It is a bit complicated though, so you'll want to look up a guide.

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