AIBooru Beta



aimai said:

An underappreciated series. A pity that it fell into obscurity.

recently a compilation was released that has most of the games in the series, and it was even released on steam, I honestly want to buy it to support its comeback.
Valis was one of the first games I had as a kid when I had my sega genesis, it's pretty funny.
maybe it's not the best sega genesis game ever, but it's pretty solid, and the music is neat.

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    minuti76000 said:

    Your works amazing! Could you do something like this but with megumin from konosuba or saki ayase from days with my stepsister itโ€™s ok if you canโ€™t keep up the great work!!

    Ye, I'll make a note, I think I'll do it someday

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