AIBooru Beta



WanderingDiffusion said:

Oops, just noticed the repost is prohibited commentary, I'll add the artist tags and leave it up to the mods to decide if they want to keep it up or not! sorry q.q

You're more than fine. If the creator wants the image down, they can send a takedown request to the admin.

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    It's not rude to upload an image that's publicly available on the internet to other sites. Well... maybe it is, but it should be expected because that's how the internet works. Also, as I understand it, AI generated works cannot be copyrighted, therefore the person who generated this image technically cannot claim ownership over it.

    If they wish to file a DMCA takedown request, it likely will be honored (as other requests have been in the past) but it wouldn't have to be, because of the whole "no copyright/ownership" thing. It would be a mere formality.


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    nixel said:

    She's so cute!!! Have you thought about making an antler lora?

    As in lora making antlers specifically? There are soma like that but I never felt the need to use them. Most models understand what having antlers on one's head looks like, more or less at least.

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    antlers_anon said:

    Can someone explain to me why this image is downvoted so much? It's not amazing but we had much much worse that are simply stuck at 0 votes. I'm just curious.

    Maybe the breasts look quite bizarre?

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