The term ‘deleted’ is misleading for uploads that are still on the site and visible to everyone. Booru is similar to osu!, a free-to-play game, in how it handles user-submitted content.
Both systems have ‘approved’ and ‘pending’ statuses for uploads that meet the standards or are waiting for review.
osu! has ‘graveyarded’, which means an upload that has been inactive for 30 days and can be restored by the user. Booru’s ‘deleted’ status is the same, except ‘deleted’ implies the upload is gone forever. This is not true, as ‘deleted’ uploads can be revived, and viewed at any time, which is not something you should be able to do with uploads that have been "deleted", to say.
AIBooru can automatically ‘graveyard’ uploads after 3 days of disapproval or inactivity, or manually by approvers and higher-ups. If they are not really deleted and can be brought back, they should be called ‘graveyarded’ instead of ‘deleted’.