AIBooru Beta

Rename "Egytian" tags in to "Ancient Egyptian"

Posted under Tags

BUR #420 has been approved by @user_2.

rename egyptian -> ancient_egyptian
rename egyptian_clothes -> ancient_egyptian_clothes

Calling the tag about ancient Egyptian aesthetics simply as "Egyptian" is highly misleading, since Egyptian culture is more than just ancient Egypt. So while our post counts for both tags is still low and only has ancient Egyptian stuff, I think it's better to rename these tags to the more accurate name.

I don't really think it's a necessity to rename this as I don't think modern Egypt has enough distinguishable culture that people would be uploading/tagging it. Unless it's the pyramids or something, which to my knowledge still exist, but that would just be a pointless split of the tag. Could you point to any examples of non-ancient Egypt pictures which would warrant their own tag?

Penance said:

I don't really think it's a necessity to rename this as I don't think modern Egypt has enough distinguishable culture that people would be uploading/tagging it. Unless it's the pyramids or something, which to my knowledge still exist, but that would just be a pointless split of the tag. Could you point to any examples of non-ancient Egypt pictures which would warrant their own tag?

Aight, I know this is sort of necroing, but it seems like people over Danbooru has already decided to rename the "Egyptian" tag into "Ancient Egyptian", so I think we should have followed suit.