次回の更新より絵柄が変わります 今までの絵柄が好きだった方には残念かもしれませんがAIの更新に絵柄の変化は避けられない イラスト自体はこれからの方が良いものが作れると思います Starting with the next update, the design will be changed. It may be a disappointment for those who liked the previous designs, but a change in design is inevitable with the update of AI. I think we will be able to create better illustrations from now on.
お知らせ 今後の更新について
Starting with the next update, the design will be changed.
It may be a disappointment for those who liked the previous designs, but a change in design is inevitable with the update of AI.
I think we will be able to create better illustrations from now on.