天野ピカミィ pikart pikatube isekaipikamee
A virtual YouTuber, member of VOMS.
Personal emoji is ⚡️ (high voltage symbol).
She has received a number of design updates since her debut, generally coinciding with her anniversary - in March 2021, alongside updates for her regular Live2D, she received a second form, in which she wears a dinosaur hood and has shrunk to the size of a child (going from 135cm to around 90cm), while maintaining arm length. In March 2022, she received three more forms, the first, alongside everyone else in VOMS, this time themed around urban styling (referred to as VOMS Black), the second turning her into a child (referred to as Isekai Pikamee), and the third giving her new child look a kimono and long hair. Later, in September, she would receive another form for her child look, giving her a powered-up lightning monster form. Isekai Pikamee, in contrast to her other forms, was handled by an artist other than GYARI, that being Shiratama.
She occasionally speaks English during her livestream due to her being half-American, and also has a habit of swearing in anger despite (ironically) claiming to be a "family friendly" channel. Her "kettle laugh" (a high-pitched wheeze) is also a trademark of hers.
Pikamee announced her graduation on 1 March 2023, effective on 31 March.
See also
- Amano Pikamee (artist)
- Agomy - Pikamee's IRL friend
- Socks - Pikamee's real life pet cat
- Tomoe - Pikamee's wooden spatula