Amy Rose (エミー・ローズ Emī Rōzu) is a recurring character in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, she is an anthropomorphic pink hedgehog who made her first debut in the Sonic the Hedgehog Manga written by Terada Kenji, and illustrated by Norimato Sango, and later made her canon debut in the 1993 release of Sonic CD for the Sega Mega-CD, redesigned by Hoshino Kazuyuki. Uekawa Yuji redesigned her once more for the modern games. She's been voiced by Jennifer Douillard (1999-2004), Lisa Ortiz (2005-2010), and Cindy Robinson (2010-present). Taeko Kawata is her seiyuu.
Person: pink fur, green eyes, animal nose, hedgehog ears, hedgehog tail, snout
Clothing: dress. sleeveless dress, red dress, red footwear. boots
Accessories: gloves, white gloves. bracelet, gold bracelet, hairband, red hairband
Rusty Rose: robotized Amy from New Yolk