Gouken is a character in the Street Fighter series. He is Ryu's adoptive father, Ryu and Ken's martial arts master, Dan's former master as well as Akuma's older brother.
Gouken is most often depicted as an elderly man with a white beard and prayer beads around his neck. In his most recent Street Fighter IV appearance, Gouken wears a single sleeved, Navy Blue colored karate gi and sports a long, white braid of hair adorned with a single prayer bead.
Gouken plays an integral role in the series' backstory, and was first depicted as a picture in Akuma's ending in Street Fighter Zero. Gouken's first actual appearance as a character was in Street Fighter IV, as a boss character. He is an unlockable character in the home console version of the game. He bears a strong resemblance to a character in one of the series rival games, Tekken's Mishima Jinpachi.
Known moves
- Gou Hadouken (剛波動拳)
- Denjin Hadouken (電刃波動拳)
- Kinjite Shouryuuken (禁じ手・昇龍拳)
- Shin Shouryuuken (真・昇龍拳)
- Tatsumaki Gou Rasen (竜巻剛螺旋)
- Kuuchuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku (空中竜巻旋風脚)
- Senkugoushoha (閃空剛衝波)
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