The main character of the anime and manga series Aria and its predecessor, Aqua, Akari is a gondolier in a small company located in a reconstruction of Venice (Neo-Venezia) on Aqua, a water planet terraformed from Mars. Akari's mentor in Aria Company is Alicia Florence, and their company mascot is Aria Pokoteng.
Akari has green eyes and pink hair. For the majority of the series she has short hair and long sidelocks with parted bangs or hair intakes (often showing her forehead) and adorned with hair tubes or hair ribbons. Adult Akari has very long hair and hair tubes that are lower down than usual, with her sidelocks resting on her shoulders and looping back into a ponytail. This hairstyle is sometimes called a 'momitail' (もみーテール).
Akari is usually depicted wearing her Aria Company undine uniform, which is colored white with blue trim and features a bowtie and a circle-and-arc logo in front and black company patches with yellow lettering on the left sleeve and hat. There are summer and winter variations: the summer uniform is topped by a short-sleeved, sailor-collared shirt, while the winter uniform is characterized by a v-tailed mantle, long sleeves, and dark leggings.