ポケスペ ポケットモンスターSPECIAL レッド(ポケスペ) スペレグリ ポケSP ナツメ(ポケスペ) グリーン(ポケスペ)
Pokemon Adventures (Japanese: Pocket Monsters SPECIAL, also known as Pokémon Special) is a long-running manga series based on the Pokémon games.
The series is written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Mato for the first 9 volumes. When Mato became ill and was unable to continue illustrating the series, Yamamoto Satoshi took over as the illustrator and still continues as the series' artist.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: pocket_monsters_special and pokemon_special (learn more).
This tag implicates pokemon (learn more).