A magical girl series created by Izumi Todo and produced by Toei Animation. The Pretty Cure, or PreCure, are girls who are chosen to transform into magical girls to protect the earth. Though their origins differ throughout each series, they are always referred to as 'legendary warriors'. Whilst most later Cures are able to transform individually, some Cures, particularly in earlier series, often have to transform in pairs. Generally in each series, the girls chosen to become Pretty Cure are in middle school, though in recent series, there have been older and younger Pretty Cures as well as male Pretty Cures.
The following tags implicate this tag: delicious_party_precure, dokidoki!_precure, fresh_precure!, futari_wa_precure, futari_wa_precure_splash_star, go!_princess_precure, happinesscharge_precure!, healin'_good_precure, heartcatch_precure!, hugtto!_precure, kirakira_precure_a_la_mode, mahou_girls_precure!, precure_all_stars, precure_all_stars_new_stage:_mirai_no_tomodachi, smile_precure!, star_twinkle_precure, suite_precure, tropical-rouge!_precure, and yes!_precure_5 (learn more).