Images of Mystia Lorelei in a brown traditional Japanese outfit and wearing an apron. Not offically canon, but one of the most prominent elements of near-universally accepted fanon concerning a Touhou character.
Depending on the artist and rendition, the theme of these images usually have Mystia:
- working at her stand, grilling eel on skewers.
- in a relationship with Alice, particularly in works by torinone.
- crushing on Mokou, most famously in Mitsumoto's Night Sparrow Love comic.
- in a rivalry relationship with Mokou's yakitori stand.
Tag on pixiv:
- おかみすちー (a pun on "proprietress" and "misty").
- 和服みすちー推進委員会 (Mystia in Japanese clothes promotion committee). [note: may include Mystia in other kinds of japanese_clothes]