sekiguchi hiroshi no tokyo friend park ii
"Tokyo Friend Park 2 (Japanese: 東京フレンドパークII; often abbreviated as "TFP2") is a Japanese game show that premiered in April 1994 on the Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS). TFP2 airs on Monday nights roughly from 6:55 - 7:54 JST in Japan." [1]
"At the end of each show, participants can choose between taking the coins (worth ¥100,000 each) or trading their coins in for darts; most contestants trade their coins for a dart each. Participants will then throw their darts at a large spinning dart-board. ... Prizes range from a high variety of electronics to a [new car]. If the contestant's dart lands in the gray center circle, or in one of the gray sections around the outside, the contestant will win a tawashi (a sponge, the show's joke prize). If the thrown dart misses the board and lands somewhere else (like the background or the floor), the participant's name will be written on the place it landed." [1]
When a contestant is readying to throw the dart, the crowd chants "Pajero". The Mitsubishi Pajero (known as the Montero or Shogun in some parts of the world) is an SUV that has traditionally been the top prize on the show.
For an example of the darts segment, see here at 46m20s.