AIBooru Beta



Leto321 said:

Amazing job. Please do more characters from ES.
By the way, can you send to us prompt-model?

Thank you) I make more characters from ES. I don't even remember the prompt-model anymore, I often experiment with them, and often change them. That's why I forgot what prompta I used here

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    Although it is not my customary inclination to derive pleasure from depictions pertaining to phallic imagery, particularly ones boasting such remarkable breadth and meticulous finesse, the manifestation of complete serenity and profound aura of utter tranquility gracing the countenance of the maiden, wholly beguiled my imagination in its enchanting web.

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    neuror1ston said:

    Still wondering is this Questionable or Sensitive rating...

    I mean, there aren't any sensitive areas shown off. The rating is fine and the "nudity" feels more implied because most of her body's hidden behind something.

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