AIBooru Beta

Question about uploading furry content

Posted under General

Hey. I've recently gotten into generating images, but I've mostly just kept them to myself. Just remembered I made an account here ages ago and figured it might be a nice place to upload my good gens.
A good chunk (maybe about half?) would qualify as furry or kemono and I was wondering if it was fine to upload them here. From what I can tell such content isn't disallowed but I just wanted to be sure.


Fuck the haters, post it anyway.

As long as the quality is fine and its not too contentious it is likely to get approved.

You can search for stuff like `furry status:deleted` to see what stuff was not approved to get an idea, most of it is poor quality but some just slipped through the queue because not all of the approvers are interested in approving it. The content is definitely different from e6ai though.


The stats show that furry content is less likely to be approved. Also the case for word of mouth.


Post count for furry status:active: 856
Post count for furry status:deleted: 431
Post count for -furry status:active: 86376
Post count for -furry status:deleted : 13671

furry active ratio:0.67
-furry active ratio:0.86

There's not so much of a bias against furry stuff as there is against certain artstyles. Things that look like they're from cartoon series will probably get approved less than if they look like they're from pixiv or anime for instance.